AMANI: Mthunzi Centre initiative (Zambia)

For years CAPRARI has been supplying its pumps and assistance to the wells of the Mthunzi Centre in Zambia, a socio-educational project that is also a residential reception centre run by the Koinonia community of Lusaka. The centre is located about 15 km from the city and can accommodate up to 60 homeless children. For children and young people living in the surrounding rural areas there is a programme that guarantees school fees, healthcare and support for the original families. The girls and young women, on the other hand, frequent the small centre in Londjezani that offers a curriculum designed specifically for them. Agricultural production and animal husbandry are the centre's main activities. There is also a medical dispensary and three schools for vocational training that offer classes in carpentry, computer science and tailoring.

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